Saturday, February 14, 2009

What Is The Proof?

This is a double edged sword for those who've suffered fat loss or other damage from lasers and IPL devices. The pain of showing that proof is difficult, emotionally. Yet the proof IS the faces of those who've suffered damage from these devices. When confronted, most doctors will not recognize the damage or they will attribute the damage to something/anything other than the device. I'm sure many doctors fear the legal repercussions but most patients want validation that what they are seeing is real, most doctors fear being sued and won't acknowledge it. It's a hamster wheel for victims.

There's little doubt that many have been burned by ablative lasers who's settings were too high. I had unusual damage from an erbium laser that I do not attribute to lack of skill by my doctor, but my own skin's propensity for being sensitive to ablative laser. It's been two years and I have hollowing beneath my eyes, demarcation, small scar beneath one eye and horizontal creasing below my eyes when I smile--none of which were present prior to laser resurfacing.

I am posting links to other websites where people have given reviews or posted their experience with ablative lasers/IPL/RF, many have pictures showing the damage. For me, these pictures speak volumes and are "proof" enough for me: (with pictures) A very brave lady who has suffered greatly, physically and emotionally. (with pictures). Another brave lady who's suffered a great deal as well. (pictures included of burns from IPL) (youtube video of lady having fat grafts to correct volume loss from IPL)

The "proof" is in the pictures and video.

I could cite forum after forum where these same types of stories exist, but will stop for today.

Please leave comments or leave your story if you have had similar experiences. Our voices should and need to be heard and ring all over the world.

Please read the stories of those damaged by government approved cosmetic devices:


  1. I too had a blip with Nd.Yag laser. The experience will haunt me to my dying day. Basically, it was supposed to rid me of thread veins around the nose. On the side of my nose which was treated i noticed the septum swelled to the point where it was borderline deformity, certainly an asymmetrical distortion. A day later I also noticed a form of nostril collapse/drooping atropy of the side treated which, well over a year later, has left a crescent shaped depression and hyperpigmented bump. Although the swelling has, after much upset and self consciousness, reduced considerably, only i can really notice the damage (as i know what i am looking for and i guess nobody goes around looking up people's nostrils, my septum will never be the same again. I have been left psychologically distressed and i believe scarred by this treatment.

  2. I'm sorry this happened to you. The damage continues and no one (not even those who 'claim' to want to expose corruption) will take on the medical/cosmetic device industry. It seems there's not enough $$$ to bother.

    I wish you healing. You may want to go to the IPL and Laser Damage support board.

  3. How do I know if I will suffer subcutaneous fat loss? What are the early signs? Is discomfort in the face after 3 months a sign?

  4. Hi. I don't know that there is an immediate way to tell if you will have fat loss. Some have it right away and some do not.

    Please visit the support board and post your questions there as others may have good info that will help.

    The board is a little slow these days, so be patient and wait for it to open--it will eventually load:

  5. I tried. I don't know where to go. I was pretty. A head-turner. I see it fading every day. I am trying to stay afloat for my children.
    Cruelly, for once, I am dating someone wonderful.

  6. Copy and past this into your web browser address bar:

    or google:

    IPL and Laser Damage and it will come up. Go to the general discussions board and you can read the stories there.

    I'm glad you have someone supportive to be there for you. There is a good change you are fine. This problem is rare, referenced by the fact most doctors claim they've never had it happen before someone on the support board goes back to show their damage. But, still it does happen to a minority.

    Good luck and I hope you're able to locate the support group by the info I've given you.

  7. Google this (copy and past the following phrase):

    IPL and Laser Damage Support

  8. My baby girl, who is her daddy's princess, had 7 treatments for cystic acne and roseca. No problems and she was so happy and vital. She had next IPL on her upper chest and neck for sun damage with no early problems. 5 months later, she had her last IPL

  9. My baby girl, who is her daddy's princess, had 7 treatments for cystic acne and roseca. No problems and she was so happy and vital. She had next IPL on her upper chest and neck for sun damage with no early problems. 5 months later, she had her last IPL

  10. This is why her dad and I are sitting in the hospital with our daughter. This time for a cornea transplant. The full damage may never be known. Auri may be an adult now, but her dad and I will always blame ourselves. Roaccutane seems safe now.

  11. This is why her dad and I are sitting in the hospital with our daughter. This time for a cornea transplant. The full damage may never be known. Auri may be an adult now, but her dad and I will always blame ourselves. Roaccutane seems safe now.

  12. Lasers sure are an interesting thing. They can stimulate hair growth or destroy it. They can create marks or remove them.

  13. Interesting and sad. Here is actually the correct link to our current forum. Feel free to visit and read the stories of those harmed by these devices.

  14. Thanks so much for this! I haven't been this moved by a blog for a long time! You’ve got it, whatever that means in blogging. I'm sure many doctors fear the legal repercussions but most patients want validation that what they are seeing is real, most doctors fear being sued and won't acknowledge it. It's a hamster wheel for victims. Anyway, You are definitely someone that has something to say that people need to hear. Keep up the good work. Keep on inspiring the people!

  15. I had IPL fotofacial with RF 7 weeks ago. I immediately had sunken skin in spots, bumps, and I'm getting more and more wrinkles by the day. My skin is also pitting and has an orange peel like texture. I had wonderful skin before the procedure and only went in for a few broken blood vessels on my cheeks. Now I'm aging by the day and watching this get worse.

  16. I'm very sorry to hear you have been harmed. If you are in the US, please file an adverse event report with the FDA. Stand up and be counted that you've been harmed by a cosmetic device. If you need the link to the MAUDE database, just let me know.

    Please join our forum where others discuss their damage and lend support to one another.
