Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Pain and Devastation Continues

I have had at least six emails in the last week from new 'victims' of IPL, lasers, and V-Beam. Why isn't someone listening when these people speak of their pain and suffering?

The ONLY thing these people have in common is they have had a laser, IPL or V-Beam treatment within days or a couple of weeks of the on-set of their symptoms. Many of those contacting me lately have complained of systemic problems, involving joint pain, vision problems, and swallowing difficulty.

Many of these victims have had innumerable medical tests all coming back 'normal'. Doctors appear to be looking for a 'specific' disease or problem rather than a correlation between the recent procedure and on-set of symptoms.

A tiny handful of doctors have admitted behind closed doors that they feel the symptoms are because of something (deep burns, high temperature??) that happened during the IPL/laser/V-Beam procedure, but none know what or how. These ARE safe procedures, after all. Aren't they? No, think again. They are anything but safe. These procedures are ruining lives and damaging people forever.

Someone who can make a difference and speak out loudly, please step forward. Someone who can expose these devices and procedures for what they are, please pay attention, care, and be brave enough to take on this cause. Someone, anyone, please help!

To read the stories of victims of government approved cosmetic devices, please visit our support forum at:

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