You may read her entire story here (in her own words):
This is Angela's first post from realself:
"Do not let anyone put this laser on your face...I was burned and haven't felt comfortable leaving my home in over a year......At first you may think its ok and you're healing...but the laser goes so deep the real results show later.....NOT PRETTY....
The B/After pics aren't that impressive and its very new...
Stick with tried and true I had better results with peels....
510k FDA is not FDA approved or safe......only says other lasers like it on market.....Don't fall for it....It's all marketing and hype....
WAIT till it's been around longer and they work out the kinks and know how to use it....
Will upload pics later
Updated on Jan 25, 2009:
I had this procedure 2 years ago at a plastic surgeons office who I’ve seen for 9 years for botox resty….I would not recommend it to my worst enemy… It seems you may have improvement at first but it causes DNA damage to the existing cells not destroyed..The negative results damage may not be apparent for months or years…..There is not enough research it was put to market to soon and we are the guinni pigs……Don’t let this laser on your face…They have treatments available with long term studies on all skin types that doctors have more experience using…
Updated on Feb 4, 2009:
To the company, executives and sales reps, who rushed this laser to market before they did correct and responsible studies. Exploited the system ..Your unscrupulous, irresponsible, marketing, advertising, and buying of doctors is inexcusable.
You are the true criminals of society not drug addicts, burglars, adults abused as children or the mentally ill that fill our prisons… You have options yet choose to in danger others for personal gain…
You should know I cry everyday and every time I look in the mirror..Your greed, lack of integrity and irresponsibility has ruined life’s...My son is hurt when I hide in the car to watch his soccer games. My mother is sad when she watches me isolate myself from the things and people I love because I have sores and scars covering my face now...Knowing It hurts them is the worst feeling I've ever experienced....One you are obviously incapable of comprehending since you continue these practices today...It’s pure evil and you should be the ones crying or sitting in prisons.
Today is my birthday..The second one I will spend sad and crying with sores and scars on my face, I feel like a caged animal, my phone is turned off and I wonder if I will ever look normal again…Enjoy a birthday dinner, Cheer on the field at my sons soccer game, Go to lunch with my Mom, Attend parties, Go on vacations, Visit my neighbors or Go out with my friends and family ect ect…..
I hope you read this and I hope you think of us when you enjoy theses simple pleasures you have taken from me and my family…Maybe it will take you a few minutes longer to go to sleep tonight??? One can only wish..
To the Doctors performing this procedure Please Take it seriously learn everything before you put it on a patients face...Start with the person you intend to delegate it to...You took an oath when you became a doctor..We count on you to protect and guide us thru the mish mosh of info and the corrupt FDA..
Everyone has a right to make a living especially after so much education...But never at the expense of another....Do your homework...
Do not listen to sales reps.. Or base your decision on delegating this and profit margins..They take no oath, have no education requirements. If you do you don't deserve the title,trust or respect we give you..
You will quickly become a commodity to greedy executives with half your education Please honor your oath and put pressure on peers to disclose..
If I wanted to get a sales reps opinion I’d talk to a sales rep Not my doctor….
Updated on Apr 2, 2009:
I felt a strong need to update this based on the positive reviews I am seeing 24 hours after the procedure... I thought it was fine 24 hours after and was looking forward to the results..
It's impossible review a treatment 24 hours or even weeks after when the results are not visible for months... While helpful in describing what to expect during treatment they should in no way be taken as a positive result.......
If you read the negative reviews you will notice most are months or years after treatment and are not happy ..They say they look much older or it ruined their skin....At this point you can pretty much determine the final result..
I wanted to make sure people considering this treatment put the appropriate weight on the reviews they read...The length of time after treatment should be taken into consideration when making your decision...As results and complications do not present immediately"These are Angela's pictures:
Angela, the day before her treatment:
Angela, before her treatment that was done later that day:
Angela, one year after her procedure:
Angela twenty months after procedure:
Angela two years after her procedure:
Angela was brave to post these pictures, it was not easy. She told her story to warn others and hopefully save them from the fate that befell her.
Angela passed away last October after spending nearly two years hidden away from the world because of the depression and her self-perceived disfigurement from the Fraxel treatment. God bless her goodness and bravery. May she one day have justice for what happened to her life.
To her mother, son and family, I hope you know she was an inspiration and a heroine for what she did to protect and save others.
I'll be forever thankful for Angela's honesty and generosity in sharing her story in order to help others. It was Angela and only Angela's story that caused me to cancel my fraxel treatment. Her story was heartbreaking and I was sad to read of her tragic and unhappy outcome. I hope that she was aware that her story saved many others from suffering from the same life-robbing procedure. God bless her and may she rest in peace healed of all her earthly injury.
ReplyDeletegood thing that i found about this blog... now it makes me think about doing this procedure twice!
ReplyDeleteThank you Angela. Thank you for getting the truth out. I had been seriously considering
ReplyDeletehaving the Fraxel done. Infact, I was on the internet, again, looking at before & after pictures... seeing beautiful results and hearing possitive things.
THEN I came across Angela's story. I feel so very sorry for what she had gone through. So tragic.
I stupidly never thought about the potential long term damaging effects, worsened skin, or severe depression. To live each day knowing that you elected to have this done to you... I truly am so very sad for you and your family.
Because of you Angela, I will NOT be having it done. Thank you. God Bless you. May you rest in peace.
Though this story is heartbreaking, good things can come out of it. I have mild acne scars and was told by a doctor that the only way to entirely get rid of them was fraxel. I am so thankful that I did research over it, and found Angela's story. Of course, I decided not to do fraxel. I sent the doctor the link to this webpage.
ReplyDeleteThank you Angela.
I unfotunately did not do my reseach about fraxel and have ended up like Angela. I have isolated myself from my family, friends and I have not stepped out of my house unless it to see numerous doctors for help to reverse the damage. I am passed depression and just want to die at this point. Life has no meaning to me without the simple pleasure of living. I was always stopped by strangers telling me I was so pretty, everywhere I went people starred in admiration and gave me compliments. I look beyond disfigured and aged, on top of that I'm mixed race so I hyperpigmented and hypopigmented too but what is worse is the weird rolling texture and wrinkles I NEVER had before. I wanted to only get rid of a few spots. I regret everyday for doing fraxel to my once stunning face. A year ago my life ended and I died. I'm sure I will commit suicide soon as I am suffering every second.
ReplyDeleteSteph, have you joined our support forum? If not, please do. If you have please post on the forum. Most have been where you are and the support of those who've felt what you feel can relieve some of your isolation and self-recrimination.
While no one can really promise you full healing, there can be improvement. Many have improved over time. Please visit the support forum.
Her mother found her dead in the shower bc of this laser. Now there is Ultherapy. strokes, seizures,,cripples, eye damage, death.